Monday, July 29, 2013

Ruby Trip - 2013

Day 7 - Monday - July 22

We walked to the laundromat to do a load of laundry and take showers, but it was closed.  Oops!  On the way back Jesse seen a bee or wasp flopping around on the ground.  When he described the noise, I said, "Oh.  It was beat-boxing?"  Jesse said, "Yeah!  It was BEE-boxing!"
 After much effort on Roy's part to raise the boat transom, and that not working out as planned, we finally went across the river to do some fishing.  We couldn't make it into the Melozi once again, so we fished the little slough that runs next to it instead.  

 There was one really huge pike that was a monster.  It was caught by, but got away from Roy, Jesse, and I (not necessarily in that order).  I guess fish get that big by being a survival expert after all.

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Brandon's view of the mountains

Brandon did little fishing, complained about mosquitoes, but noticed the view of the mountains.

Ruby, Alaska

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